Friday, February 14, 2014

23 days, $1150, And One Hell of a February - DAY 9

23 days, $1150, And One Hell of a February - DAY 9

Goal: make 1265.00 in the month of February.
Bills: Security Deposit on new apartment 425, rent on new apartment 425, Hedgehog deposit 150, Key deposit 50, Food 80, CTA 96
Current Funds: 115.00 from Postering for Macbeth - Thank you Rachel Mayer.
                          74.00 from day 1
                          78.00 from day 2
                          00.00 from day 3
                          52.00 from day 4
                            1.00 from day 5
                          49.00 from day 6
                        102.00 from day 7
                          50.00 from day 8
                          98.00 from day 9
Need: 648

Below Goal 0.00
Above Goal: 53.00

Day 9 of 23

Goal: 50$ by any means possible, bank deposit, apply for Whole Foods, Avenue Q
Actual: 98.00
TIME: 7.5
WHERE: Monroe, Jackson, Grand
CD's Sold: 0
Temp: High 22, Low 7, feels like 7
Back to the single digits. Its just gona make summer all that much more AMAZING

                    Ever wonder what a weeks worth of street performers income actually LOOKS like?

Drug Money. 
My favorite are the folks that bought their drugs with Nickels. I love those folks. 

It's Moving day today!!!!! The plan is to either hit Monroe or Jackson till 4:15, hit the bank, hit up Grand till about 7, head to the place I'm at now, pack, and roll to RACHEL RAMIREZ's place this evening! She and her husband let me stay with them for a week last year - and THIS year, I hereby vow not to accidentally lock their cat Willow in the Laundry room for an entire day. 

On a more serious note - I've forgotten that this was once scary. Busking. 
An old, old friend, Ashley Spessard posted on my wall yesterday that this was would be added to the list of things she would never do, and mega props to me for doing it. 
I forgot that at some point in my life, It was something I'd never do at some point in my life too. Now it's second nature. 
 In part of my interview with Fourth Wall, they asked me something like- Why aren't you playing in bars? What's holding you back? - Fear - Not not fear of hearing, "No, you can't play here.", or that they won't like my music. But I'm afraid of the actual conversation. How does it work? What do I say? Who do I talk to? What if I fall on my face? What if I projectile vomit on them from across the room because I'm so nervous?

Point is - I guess I just need to dive in, right? Sink or Swim? Baptism by Fire? If the worst that could happen is I throw up on someone - I guess that's not too bad. And Maaaaaaaan what a good story. Remember that time I threw up on the owner of that bar cause I was so nervous? Good stuff. 

Food for thought Ryan . Food for thought. 

Before I run, I want to thank Lindsey Dorkus for giving me cough drops when she ran into me at Monroe yesterday!!! I didn't know it at the time - but, a little Riccola was just what the doctor ordered. Doctor Lindsey Dorcus, of course. 

Gods speed folks. 


Catch Peter Oyloe in concert on the Filament Theatre stage this Saturday at 7:30!

EDIT: What an incredible, Very long day. 
Checked in at Jackson just before 1 - landed the spot at 5. Headed to Monroe on the blue line and got the spot from 1-3:30 there. The money was awful. 14 dollars in 2.5 hours. However -
I met this Man - 

Who gave me a bag, that he said was "A box of God's Attention"
          The contents are as follows: 
1 Carpet Sample, 1 Paper Angel, 1 Origami Bird, 1 "White Tree Snow - Nature's Brightening Solution for Luminous Skin", 4 Plastic Nickels, 2 Plastic Quarters, 1 Plastic Dime, a 5 X 7 Fancy Cardstock, 2 Qtips, 1 Uncooked Bean, 1 Pink Poof, 1 Note Containing the Benefits of Total Surrender to God, 1 Metal...thing?, and perhaps the most peculiar of all, 1/2 a Pistachio shell. 
I assumed there would be some sort of instructions...... not so. 
However - With the instructions missing, I'm confident I've come up with the intended uses for all of the above. 
Carpet Sample: - Hedgehog mattress. 
Paper Angel: - Hedgehog's best friend. 
Origami Bird: Hedgehog's 2nd best friend. 
White Tree Snow: I'll let you know what happens to my skin in the morning....
Plastic Currency: Hedgehog toys. 
Fancy Cardstock: Hedgehog wallpaper
Qtips: Hedgehog feet cleaners (they get really dirty!)
Uncooked Bean: Trick Hedgehog food (For birthday jokes, you know)
Pink Poof: ULTIMATE Hedgehog toy. 
Note on Surrender: An obvious reminder to Surrender to all things. Including adorable Hedgehog.
Metal...Thing?: If I stitched this to Filberts cage...and then hung apple slices from it - I'd definitely call it a Hedgehog feeder. 
1/2 Pistachio Shell: - There is simply no use for this. It's just a trick to get you thinking and thinking and thinking.... WHY IS THERE ONLY HALF????

I think Filbert is coming out fairly well with this specific guitar case drop. 
I let the guy who gave me the kit know that I run this blog, and it'd be up tonight, - so - if you read this - Please, post in the comments what I'm supposed to do with this most amazing gift. 

Next I head to Jackson and start making fairly good money. 12-15 an hour, which is reaaaaal solid. Thanks Valentine's Day. I play till 7, take it as a sign to leave when a drunk guy starts yelling at random people, and head to Grand. 
I play at grand from 7-10, making 15-20 dollars an hour and I met Dave? I think Dave was his name. At any rate - he dropped this Carson's box, which contained 2 ties. 

WHAT??????????? TIES??????? AMAZING. 

These are really, really nice ties - and I'm totally going to wear one at my concert on the 22nd. LINK!

I also ran into two folks who, while I was giving my contact info to some other people, logged onto their CAT's Facebook, and Friended me, which made me think 2 things. 
1 - Filbert needs a Facebook immediately. and 2 - these people are awesome. 
You can find Peach the Cat, and follow her story here. 

This post was huge. Sorry folks. I try to keep them short, because if I ever see a blog post this big, I almost never read it. But this is an much as my journal this month as it is my blog, so I needed to toss it all up here. 
What a day. I can't believe I played for 7.5 hours. What an epic achievement. I'm 50 bucks ahead, which means I can take the day of my concert off - which, is damn near priceless. 

OH GOD! MOVING DAY! one more picture. 

The travels of Frenchy the Suitcase must be documented. Here she is at Belmont waiting for the brownline to Rachel's place at 12:30 AM. 

It's 3 AM. I haven't been up this late in ages. I must sleep. My body is fairly wrecked, but I'm on this runners high. But its a busking high. Its started happening lately. When I play guitar this long. It just gets to a point, where time starts flying, I just lose track of everything, and just - keep playing, and playing, and playing. 

I'm rambling. I love you all. Thank you all so much for reading. This month is turning into something much more than just making money to pay my bills. This is becoming a moment in time, a creative supernova, and a jumpstart to my goal setting. You're all a huge part of all of it - and I cannot - cannot thank you enough for reading. 

To bed. And sweet, sweet dreams. 


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