Tuesday, February 25, 2014

23 days, $1150, And One Hell of a February - DAY 20

23 days, $1150, And One Hell of a February - DAY 20

Goal: make 1265.00 in the month of February.
Bills: Security Deposit on new apartment 425, rent on new apartment 425, Hedgehog deposit 150, Key deposit 50, Food 80, CTA 96
Current Funds: 115.00 from Postering for Macbeth - Thank you Rachel Mayer.
                          74.00 from day 1
                          78.00 from day 2
                          00.00 from day 3
                          52.00 from day 4
                            1.00 from day 5
                          49.00 from day 6
                        102.00 from day 7
                          50.00 from day 8
                          98.00 from day 9
                          10.00 from day 10
                          00.00 from day 11
                          36.00 from day 12
                          00.00 from day 13
                          00.00 from day 14
                          00.00 from day 15
                          00.00 from day 16
                          50.00 from day 17
Updating the record here -
                         248.00 from Concert from bread, Flat fee, and CD sales (Whoever dropped 80 dollars in my bread tin -you- anonymous sir or madam- are truly, absolutely, and undoubtedly - an angel. Thank you.
                          30.00 left from money from folks for guitar equipment
                          32.00 from CD sales on Bandcamp
                          75.00 coming from Alyssa and her sister
                          00.00 from day 18 - Spent 13 on flour and butter
                          56.00 from day 19
                        102.00 from day 20 spent 3 dollars on milk

Bills: 689 - rent, hedgehog, keys, 2 cta passes (one this Monday, one next)
Cash in hand: 415

New Need: 274
Below Goal:
Above Goal: 18.00

Day 20 of 23

Goal: Make 65 dollars by any means possible. Apply for whole foods again tonight
Actual: 102
TIME: 5 hours
WHERE: Monroe and Grand
CD's Sold: 4
Temp: High 22, Low -3, feels like 10
And we're back to the negatives

I feel like it wouldn't be right if the last three days of this month, the final stretch, weren't back in the negative numbers - so - This works out. I'm ready for it. Bring it on. Gotta make some bread for the week tonight, and until then I'm totally living off my sister's care package - so - THANKS TIFF!

I move into my new apartment in 3 days. 3 days. Friday. I'll have a room again. I'll see Filbert everyday again. I'll have a routine that doesn't change every week again. Oh - its a beautiful thing. And at the same time - I'll miss Lindsey and Henry, I'll miss Rachel and Jessie and Willow, I'll miss Victoria, Butters and Othello, I'll miss Julie and Gizmo. There's something very special about sleeping on someone's couch for a week. It's unlike anything I've ever done. I feel more awake - more present most days, trying to be ever aware of all the cues people drop about what they'd like done in their house, or where to sit, or what towels to use or what knives to NOT use  - all those little things you never think about, and make all the difference. Then on top of that - I get to share meals with them all. With people I don't usually get to share meals with - and there's something very unique about sharing a meal with someone in their home, outside of a date or a dinner party - and outside of with your regular roommates. It's a dance - who cooks, who does the dishes, what do you eat, all the things you talk about, the feeling of a full belly on a long day - its - a beautiful dance. I think I'll miss that most of all.

BUT - enough about the future - Now is the present. I'm late - as usual :) and must go.
2 - 8 today. God willing Monroe will be empty when I get down there. :)

LUNCH WITH ANDREW MARCHETTI AT 1PM TOMORROW! - CONFIRMED. BOOYA - This is a big deal because We've tried to have lunch in between my shifts at least twice, and I either forgot, or had to reschedule both times. So - Tomorrow - third times a charm.


.......It's been 10 minutes. Henry, Lindsey's cat is on my lap - and - moving is impossible.



What a day - So - today started - really slow - I mean, I think I had the slowest hour I'd had all month. But - 2 hours later - I got a 20 dollar bill! BING BING BING! by the end of the night I had sold 4 CDs. So that's 40 bucks on top of the 62 in Tips I made. Boom. Amazing day. And it was in 5 hours! not 6! So - I made 20 dollars an hour all night. Boo ya!
So I celebrated by buying milk on the way home. It's the little things, isn't it?

Teresa Borowski showed up and hung out for an hour or so - and she brought me Bread and Some sort of orange I didn't know existed. Caraway or something like that? Either way, it was DELICIOUS, and filled up my belly on my breaks.

I think my favorite story today happened at Grand -
I was playing my "Golden set" Which, is what I end the night with most nights. For about 90 minutes - I play the same 3-5 songs between trains. Fire and Rain, Dream a Little Dream, Whats My Age Again, CUPS, and any of the various songs I can rock the harmonica out to. Its called my "Golden Set" Because they're all easy to sing - They're all covers - and as a group - they appeal to every generation. So - I cover all my bases - and usually make good money from it.

SO - I'm playing the golden set - and a girl stays back from a train, I thought, because it was too full - but thinking back - I think she stayed back to listen. When the next train came - with a very shy, but seriously excited smile, she dropped me a five spot. And just kept smiling as she got on the train. So i grabbed a CD, ran over to the doors, tossed it in the air inside and said, "Thanks again!" Everyone else in the train was pretty, solidly, confused - but she still had that Big Ol' Smile on her face.

Even more than the 20 dollar bill - which - was amazing. But there are lots of 20 dollar bills. And only one girl who was so thrilled about my music that she couldn't stop smiling.

Today was just a good day. I was warm - people bought CD's - I got a 20 - I got home at 9pm - Just - a good good day. Thanks good day. I needed this.


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