Sunday, January 18, 2015

25 days, $1080, And a Bucket of Stories - Day 12

 25 days, $1080, And a Bucket of Stories - Day 12

Goal: Play in the Subway 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 25 days making at least 1080.00, which will cover all my bills for January.

Need 1080

Below Goal: 153
Above Goal:
Under Hours: 13.5
Over Hours:
Total Days off taken - 4
Days off this week - 2

For Today
Goal: 60
CD's Sold: 
Temp: High 37, Low 29, Current 36, feels like 28
I am totally not wearing my black overcoat today. We're gona see how it goes.

Today Is my official day off - from busking at least. I'm leaving for a 6 hour Peach rehearsal in about 12 minutes.
Gotta eat and drink this quick 
Not the bottle of wine. Just the Ham Hash and coffee. 
I've got enough ham to feed an army of pig eating zombies. 

My brother Eric posted on facebook yesterday about waking up everyday right when the alarm goes off, sitting straight up, and saying, "I'm awake!" and then believing it - with every ouch of your mass that you can muster - and then, you will in fact, be awake. His full post was about choosing to be happy - but this Awake thing - This peaked my interest.
So I tried it this morning, And it worked! It also helped that I got 9 hours of sleep last night. That definitely helped. BUT - It was great. I did end up laying down for 10 minutes AFTER that - but I was up. and that was good..

I'm gona finish this post up later tonight because I've got to jet.

In the Nile Crocodile!


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