Wednesday, January 21, 2015

25 days, $1080, And a Bucket of Stories - Day 15

 25 days, $1080, And a Bucket of Stories - Day 15

Goal: Play in the Subway 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 25 days making at least 1080.00, which will cover all my bills for January.

Updated 1/20/15
Need 750
1/21/15                                   15.00

Below Goal: 35
Above Goal:
Under Hours:
Over Hours:
Total Days off taken
Days off this week

For Today
Goal: 50
Actual: 15
WHERE: Monroe
CD's Sold: 0
Temp: High 35, Low 27, Current 35, feels like 27
Putting on my thermals is overkill - but It makes me HARDY.

No time! 17 minutes late! Had an unexpected phone call this morning so it put me a little behind.
So - I'm off.

I'm playing with Mo the violinist,  hopefully at Monroe red from 2-5 today if anyone is out!

Barely a post this morning. sorry pals.



 SO today was remarkable and awful. :)
I spent 4 hours in Monroe, 3 of them Playing with Mo. And - Most of the time, when I play with other musicians, its not great. We don't mix, we can't work of each other. We can find a way of communicating that works. They're insane. Any, or all of the above.

But today was just nice. Really nice. I think it was partly because, Mo and I have a goal that we're working for. A show this Saturday, which, is on Facebook, and you should all come to if you're Free:)
But we just played. My songs, his songs. We even got a good crowd going for a couple trains.

( I want you all to know- That there's a hedgehog in this sleeve. While I'm typing)
That lil bulge. Under my bicep. That's Phil. Hangin out. Like a boss. 

At any rate - A very discouraging money day. I can't have too many of these. Or it'll eb over. And I have several "Catch up" Days where I'll play for 6 or so hours- but those are to take care of the days I'm in tech and wont be playing at all. This plan is not perfect - But its a hellova ride. 

ALSO - My BUGABOOTS and WOOL SOCKS came. - and my feet, combined with temperatures that are above freezing - Are SAUNAS. Its amazing - I'll never go back. I'll never go back to not having Bugaboots. :) 

At check-in before rehearsal today - all I had to say was "I feel very grounded today" I usually expand, or say more. But that was it. I got up. I left nearly on time. I played music with an incredible violinist for 3.5 hours, I ate lunch on the train, I pretended to be a giant, Scottish grasshopper for 4 hours, I rode the train home watching a crazy lady put chewed gum in the center of every seat on her side of the train, I successfully gave Phil his antibiotics, and then I finished this blog before 12:30. 
What - a good day? right? Who has an superadorable-amazing-incrediblysweet-veryterrified-Hegdgehog and days like that? THIS GUY. This, lucky, lucky guy. 

I'ma go feed Phil some apples, eat a bowl of Cinnemon Toast Crunch, read some Zenocide ( From the Ender's Game Series) and call this day completed. 

Till next time - 

Ryan ( And arm-sling Phil ) 

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