Friday, February 28, 2014

23 days, $1150, And One Hell of a February - DAY 23 LAST POST IN FEBRUARY

Well - Here it is Friends - The last post of this Glorious month. 

- If you're reading this - follow this link - Play this song - Its - ah, its perfect.

I'm sure I've missed people. I went back through every day in the blog - tried to come up with all the names - but there's so many - I'm sure I've forgotten some - But I did my best. 

These are the thank you's for the month. Without which - I wouldn't have made it. 

Tom Jackson - Thanks for buying a CD, and paying double for it
Dominic Maino - I never thanked you for the 20 dollars you put in my pocket.
Mitch - For giving me his entire lunch
Noel Huntzinger - for bring me Orange Juice in the subway.
Filament Theater - for giving me their space to perform my music in
Everyone who came to the concert - for you love - for buying my bread and my CD's
Alex Schulte and John Zulaga for filming my 8 hour day.
Rachel and Jessie Ramirez - letting me sleep on their couch
Julie Ritchey - letting me sleep on her couch and take care of Gizmo
Victoria Alvarez Chacon - letting me sleep on her "Poof" and hug her dogs every morning
Lindsey Dorcus - letting me sleep on her couch and hang with her super wierd lap cat - Henry.
Kelly Hill - For buying a CD
Allyssa Magill and her sister - For donating 75 dollars
Anonymous Donor - for donating 200.00 - and rocking my world
My Parents - For all of the "Brainstorm" Nights
My Brother Eric Westwood - for all of the Facebook comments
All the friends I didn't know that were following the blog
Alex Schulte - for filming and recording my concert
Nathan Scheetz - For believing, or at least pretending to believe that I'd ACTUALLY have the money in his account by the first for the post dated check he wrote me from HIS account that will be cashed on the 1st.
My Brother Doug Westwood - For randomly sending me the Thermal Underwear that I literally wore EVERY DAY that I busked this month, and saved my ass from the cold.
My Sister Tiffany Westwood - For the care package that I lived off of, SOLELY, for the last week
Ashley Spessard - for "All the Tears"
The 20 dollar bill club - For each person who made my day - and dropped 20's
Every person who bought my CD in the subway
Sam Raptis - for meeting me in the subway, coming to my gig, and trying to bring friends
Bernardo Alvarez - for buying my CD, Writing 2 blog posts about me, and supplying my folks with pictures of the concert
Sonny - for buying a CD and the Lollypop
Mike Ward - for hearing me in the subway and coming to my show
Teresa Borowski - for attempting to get me to record music for her on every encounter
Nikki - For the free shot of Whiskey at Macnamara's at the after party of the concert.
Every person that posted a comment on Facebook
Dominick Maino - for winning the - I reposed your posts the most times by about 15X compared to any other person, award.
Molly Bunder - for Bread and Tea
Andrew Marchetti - for lunch at Haba Nero
Mara Dale - For all the rides
Grace Desant - for the Hug.
Julie - for the 10 dollar starbucks card that lasted the whole month
The Cold - Because it spawned a new song - Cold Don't Bother Me
Filbert - For putting up with me being gone for a month
Peter Oyloe for inspiring me with his concert
The guy who gave me a "Box of God's Attention" 
Dave - for the 2 Ties
Me - for actually sticking to it - and doing it - all the way to the end.
Whoever stole my guitar - For making me fall in love with Ol' Red again
Darla - The Humidifier who helped nurse my voice back to health
Caleb Woodley - for all the help trying to find a job
Kevo - the transient guy who made my beautiful Poster for the concert
Luther Wirtz and Emily Henniger - For listening to my radio interview
Luther Wirtz - For all the past, present, and future Everquest adventures. AXECAT
Catie Osborn - for following your dreams, and taking risks
Adam Dorcy - for restoring my faith, even momentarily, to the homeless population of Chicago
Haywood - for renaming my song to Georgia
Doug Westwood - Again - the Thermal underwear dude. - It saved my life.
And to Every person that dropped a dollar in my case - THANK YOU. 

February -  896 From Tips and CD sales
345 from Donations
210 (Roughly) From concert - Bread sales, ticket sales, flat fee, CD's sold - Thanks again to whoever dropped the 80 dollars in my bread money tin. 

total 1451

Hours in subway 47  - This has to be wrong - I must have not recorded solid numbers on the blog. Should be more than this. 

Average hourly wage - 19 dollars an hour

High 42, Low -2

Days "Feels Like " was in the Negative - 4 days

Days "Feels Like " was below 20 - 17 days

Best facebook comment thread on a post - 

  • Ryan Westwood HOly Biscuits Claire! I haven't seen your name in years!
    14 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Ashley Spessard i adore this story, ryan. and i'm stealing your mom's phrase about crying. i've never heard it summed up better -- story of my life. 
    13 hours ago · Unlike · 2
  • Claire Marsh Well I've been cheering you on all month!! 
    13 hours ago · Unlike · 2
  • Kathy Westwood OK, right now my heart is leaking out of my eyes. Not sure how you keep on keeping on, my son, but sure proud of you for not just asking, but doing something in return for what you ask. You have an incredible outlook on life. Keep giving. It's what keeps you alive and feeds all that creative energy. Keep your horns on because sometimes they are needed in life. Love you, mom.
    7 hours ago · Unlike · 2
  • Tiffany Nielsen Sobbing. I'm sobbing. It's too much. Thank you kind, Anonymous Donor. Thank you. From the depths of our family's heart, thank you. Love to you my wonderful brother. Love to you.
    5 hours ago · Unlike · 1
  • Tom Jackson are an inspiring guy! Your attitude, your bravery and your talent will serve you well as you create your future. I look forward to many interesting things from you...but mostly I look forward to the next time I get to hear you sing or tell a story.
    3 hours ago · Unlike · 2
  • Dominick M Maino A Dreamer with a Positive Mental Attitude....Yeah...AKA Ryan Westwood. You continue to amaze me with your talent and your outlook on life!
  • Eric Westwood I am in tears.

    I am blown away by the caliber of people in your life, simply amazed! You mused on luck and people. You sir ARE amazingly lucky. The love you share, the integrity with which you live your life, the way you interact with every soul that comes your way, and the passion you have for life, it draws people to you. Not just any people, but the people that BRING random luck in life. Not karma, because karma comes full circle only in death, but luck in life born from love given to those around you.

    Sometimes the people in our lives know us better than we know our selves. Read these words posted from friends and family alike and put them in your heart. Let them grow.

    This month your words are flawless and your victory of self impregnable. Sometimes the opportunity to live your dream puts a light in your soul that guides you for the rest of your life. You have such a light, let it burn bright and guide your sight. Let the stories grow!

    Love and light, and luck in life!
  • Ryan Westwood Update Friends. Final Post tomorrow Morning. Thank you all so so so so so so so so so much for reading this month. It's been quite an adventure.

What. A month. Right?
It doesn't seem like it's over. Its surreal. Almost like it never happened. But it did - Its all up here - every day - It really happened and I really did it.
I think that is the thing that is so incredible to me about this. Is that - I did it. I set a goal - and I made it.

 I didn't do it alone - See giant, freaking list of thank you's above - but together - We did it. All of you who helped - you helped an artist follow his dreams this month. And me - I followed MY dreams this month.

So - What's next. -
Well - as you know - March is coming. March is next. ha. hahaha.
That's the best part - is that - this doesn't end here. I'll be back out in the subway tomorrow, because - it's my job. That's pretty cool. That's my favorite part. Is telling people that it's my day job. God willing I'll get another one on top of it, but for now - She'll do the job.

Back to whats next  -
March is a whole new month - with what will be a whole new set of goals - and I'll fight on through them here - Right here - on this blog, with whoever keeps reading. I'm doing some more thinking on what exactly the Specific goals for March will be - But - it could be a combo of any of the following
-Make 1300-1500 in Tips and CD Sales
- Perform in 2 venues
- Produce a Demo
- Produce a live album
-throw a house concert
- co-ordinate a concert in the subway with a few other street performers

I'll fill you in, in the next few days.

Again - and a thousand times over - I can't thank you all enough for reading this blog this month - I couldn't have done it without you.

All the love - All of it -

Thursday, February 27, 2014

23 days, $1150, And One Hell of a February - DAY 22

23 days, $1150, And One Hell of a February - DAY 22

Goal: make 1265.00 in the month of February.
Bills: Security Deposit on new apartment 425, rent on new apartment 425, Hedgehog deposit 150, Key deposit 50, Food 80, CTA 96
Current Funds: 115.00 from Postering for Macbeth - Thank you Rachel Mayer.
                          74.00 from day 1
                          78.00 from day 2
                          00.00 from day 3
                          52.00 from day 4
                            1.00 from day 5
                          49.00 from day 6
                        102.00 from day 7
                          50.00 from day 8
                          98.00 from day 9
                          10.00 from day 10
                          00.00 from day 11
                          36.00 from day 12
                          00.00 from day 13
                          00.00 from day 14
                          00.00 from day 15
                          00.00 from day 16
                          50.00 from day 17
Updating the record here -
                         248.00 from Concert from bread, Flat fee, and CD sales (Whoever dropped 80 dollars in my bread tin -you- anonymous sir or madam- are truly, absolutely, and undoubtedly - an angel. Thank you.
                          30.00 left from money from folks for guitar equipment
                          32.00 from CD sales on Bandcamp
                          75.00 coming from Alyssa and her sister
                          00.00 from day 18 - Spent 13 on flour and butter
                          56.00 from day 19
                        102.00 from day 20 spent 3 dollars on milk
                          74.00 from day 21
                          32.00  from day 22 + 200.00 anonymous donation.

Bills: 689 - rent, hedgehog, keys, 2 cta passes (one this Monday, one next)
Cash in hand: 415

New Need: 274
Below Goal:
Above Goal: 224.00

Day 22 of 23

Goal: Make 65 dollars by any means possible. Go to whole foods tomorrow
Actual: 32
TIME: 2 hours
WHERE: Monroe
CD's Sold: 1
Temp: High 7, Low -2, feels like -16
Alright. So, we're 10 degrees colder than yesterday - but, yesterday was basically a cakewalk because I put on my VIKING hat - so - eff it.

Today is my last day playing in the month of February because I'm taking tomorrow off, as it is..... MOVING DAY. I don't have nearly the time I need to talk about how I feel about it all. Officially, minus all the bad math, I only need to make 12.5 dollars today to pay everything that needs to be paid. Unofficially, I'm fine anyway because of the Anonymous donor I spoke to yesterday.

They donated 200.00 to my cause this month. Which, is just earth shattering. Yesterday I said it was game changing - you may not think 200 dollars is game-changing - but - the peace of mind that 200 dollars gives me, is priceless. It's hope that I'll actually get my bills on track next month, it's additional proof that there are incredible people out there - and even more proof, that they're in our very, very near vicinity.

They told me, in not so many words as to keep this anonymous,
     "This 200.00 is for you. You have been such an inspiration to me this month, and I'd like to thank you for that. I can not stress enough that this is an anonymous donation. It is between us. There is no expectation associated with this, it is a gift given without expectation of receiving anything in return for it, ever. I will simply ask that you pay it forward. Sometime in your life, when you can, or when you can't, Pay it forward."

And that's where I run out of words to describe my gratitude.

Pay it Forward? That's all? That's all you're asking? is for me to Pay it Forward? Who are you?! What sort of amazing world do you come from - That you're here - on Earth - where Everything has a price tag attached - and all you ask me to do is Pay - it forward. And all because, I inspired you this month? I never knew I inspired anybody. And now - I'm sitting here bawling - because I inspired you.

My mom used to say sometimes her heart gets so big that it bursts and bubbles up through her eyes, and that's why she cries all the time. That's how I feel right now. As if nothing in the world could stop my heart from growing so big it bursts through my chest.

I could take today off. It's gona be -16 our today. It is, right now. haha. But - I can't really. Because I don't want to. I wana play, today. And everyday. I  - I want to share this - I'm rambling - I'm out of words. or rather - not, out of words - but I can't find the ones that could express the fullness of my exploding heart. So I ramble, desperately searching for them.

Today, I play for you, anonymous donor. Today I play for every person who sent me well wishes this month. Today I play for everyone who sent me money this month. Today I play for everyone who came to my concert. Today I play for everyone who has heard my music in the last 10 years. Today I play for me, you, and for every person who has ever dropped, even a penny, in my guitar case. Because I want to. Because I have to. Because it's the only way I can express my gratitude. The only way I can even attempt to begin to give back to the folks who supported me this month - Sharing my music, in the cold, in the subway - Just like this glorious, glorious month started.


Well I only played for 2 hours today. I spent the rest of the time I should have been playing - listening to the concert for the first time, and working through tracks on some new condenser microphones with Fourthwall. We decided today that they're gona help me cut a demo, which, is going to sound amazing.

So - today - in two hours, made 32 dollars and sold 1 CD. So a good two hours.
I started it by walking into the restroom at the Thompson Center ( a mall connected to the Lake stop on the redline) and text this to myself so I wouldn't forget what I was feeling.

"There's nothing like the feeling of a routine. It steadies me. Makes me feel like I'm on track, moving forward, ever creeping across the railroad. Something as simple as using the restroom at the Lake stop right before my shift - or setting up my gear the same way. It gears me up. This is my last shift this month. Its a shift. This is my job this month. And it paid all the bills I planned to pay. I played music, and wrote a blog as my job this month. That's really neat. Really."

1st of all - the word neat has been entirely underused since the fifties - and should come back - and 2nd - GOOD POINT RYAN. I gave myself a JOB this month - and the totals - of everything - money, hours, temperatures, CD's sold, donations - will be worked up in my final blog post tomorrow.

I gave a homeless man 2 dollars today. I almost never do - when I'm playing. If anyone asks for money - I almost never give it out when I'm playing - It's a decision I made years ago - because I'm working - and the money I make, I'm working hard for. But today - I thought - well - Look Ryan, Yesterday you were given 200 dollars - don't you think you could spare 2, for Adam Dorcy, a homeless veteran who wants a cup of coffee?

So I handed it over, saying, "I don't usually do this - but yeah, Adam, totally." He walked off - and - as so many of us do - My mind went directly to the booze I was sure he would buy and scolded myself for giving away 2 of my dollars.

Then, an hour later - He came back, walking through the subway with a Trader Joe's bag, and a carton of sliced watermelon. "Hey Adam! How's it going?" "Good" he said, "Got myself some food!" But - it gets better - because 10 minutes later - after he's been listening for a good bit - he walks over, and puts a 64 OZ container of Trader Joe's brand Pink Lemonade in my case.  - It must have been more than 2 dollars. And - I'm just standing there flabberghasted. I finish my song and turn to thank him again - and he's gone. Poof.
Crazy - Right? Makes me think twice about people. You'd think, I'd think twice about people more often, given my profession - but - things that are drilled into you are hard to let go of. Little by little, you know?

Now - a woman bought my CD today. She asked if I wrote my own stuff, and I told her - "Oh yes, What I'm playing right now is all me" - She bought the CD and said - and I quote, "You remind me of when Music Was Good"
 ---------------And that - ladies and gents - is the best compliment I've ever been given.

Also - Quickly, two things - a man named Sneer, who's given me a dollar 3 days in a row now, mentioned that, "I brighten up his commute" Which, is wildly fulfilling.
And then, this wonderful woman, in a blue, long coat - bent down, dropped a dollar, looked me straight in the eye and said with all the calmness genuine care brings out in someone - "You stay warm tonight, Alright?"

- Some folks think I'm homeless. And, you know, if you call in the technicalities - I technically am this month - But - I'm never REALLY homeless - because there are homes all across this giant town that have been mine, will be mine, and could be mine at any given moment if I needed it to be. And - because I move in... .well, today. its 12:11 am.
- I never really correct them. Sometimes I do, but,  I think its part of the performance. I want to be the traveling street musician. I wan all the mystery, all of the romance that comes along with that on the street. I never lie to folks, but, I don't correct them either - maybe that's wrong. Maybe I should - but - I think, it's alright.

That's it - the last playing post of the month. I will be posting a final post on this month tomorrow morning - and No post that night, because we won't have internet in the new place until Saturday.

Again - I love you all -


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

23 days, $1150, And One Hell of a February - DAY 21

23 days, $1150, And One Hell of a February - DAY 21

Goal: make 1265.00 in the month of February.
Bills: Security Deposit on new apartment 425, rent on new apartment 425, Hedgehog deposit 150, Key deposit 50, Food 80, CTA 96
Current Funds: 115.00 from Postering for Macbeth - Thank you Rachel Mayer.
                          74.00 from day 1
                          78.00 from day 2
                          00.00 from day 3
                          52.00 from day 4
                            1.00 from day 5
                          49.00 from day 6
                        102.00 from day 7
                          50.00 from day 8
                          98.00 from day 9
                          10.00 from day 10
                          00.00 from day 11
                          36.00 from day 12
                          00.00 from day 13
                          00.00 from day 14
                          00.00 from day 15
                          00.00 from day 16
                          50.00 from day 17
Updating the record here -
                         248.00 from Concert from bread, Flat fee, and CD sales (Whoever dropped 80 dollars in my bread tin -you- anonymous sir or madam- are truly, absolutely, and undoubtedly - an angel. Thank you.
                          30.00 left from money from folks for guitar equipment
                          32.00 from CD sales on Bandcamp
                          75.00 coming from Alyssa and her sister
                          00.00 from day 18 - Spent 13 on flour and butter
                          56.00 from day 19
                        102.00 from day 20 spent 3 dollars on milk
                          74.00 from day 21

Bills: 689 - rent, hedgehog, keys, 2 cta passes (one this Monday, one next)
Cash in hand: 415

New Need: 274
Below Goal:
Above Goal: 42.00

Day 21 of 23

Goal: Make 65 dollars by any means possible. Go to whole foods tomorrow
TIME: 4.5 - 5 hours
WHERE: Monroe / washington
CD's Sold: 1
Temp: High 10, Low 0, feels like -6
If I die today - Nathan- Take care of Phil.

FORGOT TO BLOG! I have zero time! Meeting Andrew Marchetti for lunch in an hour -
I just looked at the weather - and - part of me doesn't know if I'm ready for the cold that this day will be - the other part is screaming "YOU ARE A VIKING! PUT YOUR HORN HAT ON MAN UP" - so - I think I'll be alright.
2 more days until the bank deposit - 97 dollars to go. Two very, very cold days are ahead of me.

Gotta Go! Update tonight!


Man - what a day. I got kicked out of Monroe after 40 minutes and was bumed. BUT - I headed to Washington - got a spot for an hour and made almost 35 bucks! Then I jamed with the the drummer that gave me the spot for an hour, made another 15 with a CD sale. So - Poof - in two hours - I had my 50 bucks. Then I played at Monroe from another hour, hour and a half - and made the other 24. 

Joe Severino. Is that somebody important? This guy at Washington gave me a dollar - then his buddy gave me his leftover Parmesean Chicken and Mushrooms (Which, I ate about 20 minutes later - and - was just - INCREDIBLE). When I asked their names - the one said john, the other - Joe - and then John, like I was supposed to be impressed - said, Severino - Joe Severino - Not knowing who that was - I replied with a stunned ohhhhh! Welllll Nice to meet you - MR. Severino - and they laughed. So - He's somebody - I just don't know who. 

Haywood - I met a man from Georgia named Haywood today. HAYWOOD. Is that not the coolest name ever? I mean, surely unfortunate on the middle school playground - but - Aside from that. Amazing. 
He heard me playing harmonica, came over, dropped a dollar, and said, "Man, you really gotta get down to Georgia. P Street. Man, you'd kill it"
I was playing this song I'm working on - that - doesn't have a shape yet - just 3 chords, and harmonica - and - is definitely about a place. Yesterday - It was Georgia - A place I've never been outside of the Atlanta airport when I was 10 and transferring planes on my way to San Fransisco with my family. Today - it was about Iowa - The place I grew up. I changed it because I have, just a tad, more experience there. 
But - maybe it was a sign. Maybe it needs to be Georgia. Maybe that's what Haywood was trying to tell me.. . 
Songs play out in really random ways - and - I'm fairly superstitious about them. That's why I can't finish the song I started on my stolen guitar - Seems wrong to play it on Ol' Red. 
So - we'll see - Maybe it will be Georgia. Then again, maybe tomorrow it will be about the Sahara Desert. You never know with these things. 

On an ending note - I received an anonymous donation today. I know who it was, but they asked to remain anonymous. - I'll fill you in tomorrow morning - But - suffice it to say, it's game-changing. 

Love in bushels and stacks of bushels, 


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

23 days, $1150, And One Hell of a February - DAY 20

23 days, $1150, And One Hell of a February - DAY 20

Goal: make 1265.00 in the month of February.
Bills: Security Deposit on new apartment 425, rent on new apartment 425, Hedgehog deposit 150, Key deposit 50, Food 80, CTA 96
Current Funds: 115.00 from Postering for Macbeth - Thank you Rachel Mayer.
                          74.00 from day 1
                          78.00 from day 2
                          00.00 from day 3
                          52.00 from day 4
                            1.00 from day 5
                          49.00 from day 6
                        102.00 from day 7
                          50.00 from day 8
                          98.00 from day 9
                          10.00 from day 10
                          00.00 from day 11
                          36.00 from day 12
                          00.00 from day 13
                          00.00 from day 14
                          00.00 from day 15
                          00.00 from day 16
                          50.00 from day 17
Updating the record here -
                         248.00 from Concert from bread, Flat fee, and CD sales (Whoever dropped 80 dollars in my bread tin -you- anonymous sir or madam- are truly, absolutely, and undoubtedly - an angel. Thank you.
                          30.00 left from money from folks for guitar equipment
                          32.00 from CD sales on Bandcamp
                          75.00 coming from Alyssa and her sister
                          00.00 from day 18 - Spent 13 on flour and butter
                          56.00 from day 19
                        102.00 from day 20 spent 3 dollars on milk

Bills: 689 - rent, hedgehog, keys, 2 cta passes (one this Monday, one next)
Cash in hand: 415

New Need: 274
Below Goal:
Above Goal: 18.00

Day 20 of 23

Goal: Make 65 dollars by any means possible. Apply for whole foods again tonight
Actual: 102
TIME: 5 hours
WHERE: Monroe and Grand
CD's Sold: 4
Temp: High 22, Low -3, feels like 10
And we're back to the negatives

I feel like it wouldn't be right if the last three days of this month, the final stretch, weren't back in the negative numbers - so - This works out. I'm ready for it. Bring it on. Gotta make some bread for the week tonight, and until then I'm totally living off my sister's care package - so - THANKS TIFF!

I move into my new apartment in 3 days. 3 days. Friday. I'll have a room again. I'll see Filbert everyday again. I'll have a routine that doesn't change every week again. Oh - its a beautiful thing. And at the same time - I'll miss Lindsey and Henry, I'll miss Rachel and Jessie and Willow, I'll miss Victoria, Butters and Othello, I'll miss Julie and Gizmo. There's something very special about sleeping on someone's couch for a week. It's unlike anything I've ever done. I feel more awake - more present most days, trying to be ever aware of all the cues people drop about what they'd like done in their house, or where to sit, or what towels to use or what knives to NOT use  - all those little things you never think about, and make all the difference. Then on top of that - I get to share meals with them all. With people I don't usually get to share meals with - and there's something very unique about sharing a meal with someone in their home, outside of a date or a dinner party - and outside of with your regular roommates. It's a dance - who cooks, who does the dishes, what do you eat, all the things you talk about, the feeling of a full belly on a long day - its - a beautiful dance. I think I'll miss that most of all.

BUT - enough about the future - Now is the present. I'm late - as usual :) and must go.
2 - 8 today. God willing Monroe will be empty when I get down there. :)

LUNCH WITH ANDREW MARCHETTI AT 1PM TOMORROW! - CONFIRMED. BOOYA - This is a big deal because We've tried to have lunch in between my shifts at least twice, and I either forgot, or had to reschedule both times. So - Tomorrow - third times a charm.


.......It's been 10 minutes. Henry, Lindsey's cat is on my lap - and - moving is impossible.



What a day - So - today started - really slow - I mean, I think I had the slowest hour I'd had all month. But - 2 hours later - I got a 20 dollar bill! BING BING BING! by the end of the night I had sold 4 CDs. So that's 40 bucks on top of the 62 in Tips I made. Boom. Amazing day. And it was in 5 hours! not 6! So - I made 20 dollars an hour all night. Boo ya!
So I celebrated by buying milk on the way home. It's the little things, isn't it?

Teresa Borowski showed up and hung out for an hour or so - and she brought me Bread and Some sort of orange I didn't know existed. Caraway or something like that? Either way, it was DELICIOUS, and filled up my belly on my breaks.

I think my favorite story today happened at Grand -
I was playing my "Golden set" Which, is what I end the night with most nights. For about 90 minutes - I play the same 3-5 songs between trains. Fire and Rain, Dream a Little Dream, Whats My Age Again, CUPS, and any of the various songs I can rock the harmonica out to. Its called my "Golden Set" Because they're all easy to sing - They're all covers - and as a group - they appeal to every generation. So - I cover all my bases - and usually make good money from it.

SO - I'm playing the golden set - and a girl stays back from a train, I thought, because it was too full - but thinking back - I think she stayed back to listen. When the next train came - with a very shy, but seriously excited smile, she dropped me a five spot. And just kept smiling as she got on the train. So i grabbed a CD, ran over to the doors, tossed it in the air inside and said, "Thanks again!" Everyone else in the train was pretty, solidly, confused - but she still had that Big Ol' Smile on her face.

Even more than the 20 dollar bill - which - was amazing. But there are lots of 20 dollar bills. And only one girl who was so thrilled about my music that she couldn't stop smiling.

Today was just a good day. I was warm - people bought CD's - I got a 20 - I got home at 9pm - Just - a good good day. Thanks good day. I needed this.
